Why is podcasting so big right now?


It’s because our digital habits have changed dramatically with the mass adoption of smartphones and home smartspeakers. We now consume more digital content through streaming audio & video than through traditional blogs or websites - and we do it in more places than ever before.

Brands need to change the way they connect and maintain an online audience - from text and images to video and sound. Podcasting is the most cost effective way to do it well. That’s why it’s so big right now.

We have produced over 5,500 hours of podcast listens to our shows. That’s over two years of someone spending 8-hours per day at work, listening to our shows. Compare that with your usual metrics - when was the last time one of your customers spent more than a few minutes on your website, blog, or linkedIn page? How long did they spend on your last conference stand? Or on your virtual webinar? People are listening to podcasts while they drive, send emails, chat on social, play games and everything else we’d rather use our screen time for. These hands-free listening times are when you audience is most receptive to your content and unlike social media, it doesn’t have to compete with memes or influencers to get attention, just other podcasts. That’s why you need to start your podcast now, before your competitors claim the space.

Podcasts deliver more bang per buck than any other channel. Get ‘casting.

We have produced over 8,500 hours of podcast listens to our shows. That’s nearly two years of someone spending 8-hours per day at work, listening to our shows

Andrew Keith Walker hates this corporate headshot because he thinks it makes him look like an evil genius. (And he’s not. Well, not a  genius, anyway.)

Andrew Keith Walker hates this corporate headshot because he thinks it makes him look like an evil genius. (And he’s not. Well, not a genius, anyway.)

We have always listened to the radio in the car, at the gym, while we’re cooking - and it is those times when your customers are easiest to reach, and most open to engaging with your content.

As long as the content you produce is good.

Nobody wants to listen to someone mumbling through a PowerPoint of marketing fluff, or namedropping their products. Everyone is interested in opinion, comment, life experiences and authentic conversation. Approach your podcast like that and you’ll grow an audience.

Podcasts fit into those spaces where social media, branded content and traditional marketing can’t go. They connect you with your audience when they look at a screen because it’s inconvenient or awkward. Podcasting is an effective channel to reach people who spend all day looking at one screen, and all evening looking at another and they are too tired of screen time to check out your latest LinkedIn post, tweet or blog. Most devices have at least one podcasting app enabled - from Alexa to Apple & Android - and the number of podcast listeners is booming.

We help brands create and host great podcasts, with original concepts and content. We have a network of experienced associates with a track record in social media and broadcast, who are also used to presenting on-camera, live on the news, and on the radio. We do it weekly, monthly, even daily at live events. Plus we can integrate into your marketing activity or advise on social media campaigns for your show. Just ask.